Wooden Signs
You Look So Smart... Funny Sign
Full Text: Them: You look so smart in those glasses. Me: Well, I had to fail a test to get them, so… Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hangings10290 -
Don't come back unless you bring tacos
Full Text: Don't come back unless you bring tacos Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hangingt7314 -
You're not a great parent... Funny Sign
Full Text: If you serve your kids frozen pizza or nuggets, you're not a great parent. No matter how busy you are, you have to at least find the time to cook things first. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for...s10289 -
Someone called me pretty today!...
Full Text: Someone called me pretty today! Actually, the full statement was "you're pretty annoying," but I like to focus on the positive. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in...s10288 -
You Become - Velveteen Rabbit Quote Sign
Full Text: You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes...9361 -
Welcome to our Home - where pet hair is both a fashion...
Full Text: Welcome to our Home - where pet hair is both a fashion accessory and garnish Features: Size: 7x18 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hanging9363 -
Ran into my cable guy the other day and he asked...
Full Text: Ran into my cable guy the other day and he asked me what time it was. I said sometime between 8am and 1pm. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hangings10287 -
People who think you get boring as you age have clearly...
Full Text: People who thinkyou get boring as you age have clearly never experienced the thrill of two hummingbirds at the feeder at the same time. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed...s10286 -
One minute you're young and cool, then the next thing...
Full Text: One minute you're young and cool, then the next thing you know you're out there taking pics of vegetables in your garden. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for...s10285 -
My favorite childhood memory is my back not hurting.
Full Text: My favorite childhood memory is my back not hurting. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hangings10284 -
I really only talk to like five people a day, and three...
Full Text: I really only talk to like five people a day, and three of them are me. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hangings10283 -
I need to get my life together, but I'm kinda waiting...
Full Text: I need to get my life together, but I'm kinda waiting to see if the world's gonna end before I put in any real effort. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for...s10282